Thursday, November 9, 2023

Advanced DIgital Orthotics versus The Good Foot Store Orthotics


Advanced Digital Orthotics vs. The Good Foot Store Orthotics: Which Is Better?


Orthotics are shoe inserts that are designed to support the feet and ankles. They can be used to treat a variety of conditions, including foot pain, heel pain, arch pain, and plantar fasciitis. Orthotics can also help to improve balance and stability, and reduce the risk of injuries.
There are two main types of orthotics: over-the-counter and custom-made. Over-the-counter orthotics are available at most drugstores and shoe stores. They are typically made from a variety of materials, including foam, gel, and plastic. Custom-made orthotics are created by a podiatrist or other healthcare professional to fit your specific feet. They are typically made from a more durable material, such as carbon fiber or plastic.
Two of the most popular brands of orthotics are Advanced Digital Orthotics and The Good Foot Store Orthotics. Both brands offer a variety of orthotics for different conditions and activity levels. However, there are some key differences between the two brands.
Advanced Digital Orthotics
Advanced Digital Orthotics are created using a digital scan of your feet. This allows for a more precise and accurate fit than traditional orthotics, which are made from a mold of your feet. Advanced Digital Orthotics are also made from high-quality materials, such as carbon fiber and plastic, which makes them more durable and effective.
The Good Foot Store Orthotics
The Good Foot Store Orthotics are prefabricated orthotics that are available in a variety of sizes. They are made from a variety of materials, including foam, gel, and plastic. The Good Foot Store Orthotics are less expensive than Advanced Digital Orthotics, but they are also not as durable or effective.
Comparison of the Two Brands
Here is a comparison of Advanced Digital Orthotics and The Good Foot Store Orthotics:
FactorAdvanced Digital OrthoticsThe Good Foot Store Orthotics
Fit Custom-made to fit your specific feet Prefabricated in a variety of sizes
Materials High-quality materials, such as carbon fiber and plastic Less expensive materials, such as foam and gel
Durability Very durable Less durable
Effectiveness Very effective Less effective
Cost More expensive Less expensive
drive_spreadsheetExport to SheetsBenefits of Advanced Digital Orthotics
Advanced Digital Orthotics offer a number of benefits over traditional orthotics, including:More precise and accurate fit: Advanced Digital Orthotics are created using a digital scan of your feet, which allows for a more precise and accurate fit than traditional orthotics.More durable: Advanced Digital Orthotics are made from high-quality materials, such as carbon fiber and plastic, which makes them more durable than traditional orthotics.More effective: Advanced Digital Orthotics are more effective at treating a variety of conditions, including foot pain, heel pain, arch pain, and plantar fasciitis.When to Choose Advanced Digital Orthotics
Advanced Digital Orthotics are a good choice for people who:Have severe foot pain or other foot conditionsNeed a precise and accurate fitNeed a durable orthoticAre willing to pay more for a higher quality orthoticWhen to Choose The Good Foot Store Orthotics
The Good Foot Store Orthotics are a good choice for people who:Have mild to moderate foot painAre looking for a less expensive orthoticDon't need a precise and accurate fitConclusion
Advanced Digital Orthotics are a better choice for people who have severe foot pain or other foot conditions and need a precise and accurate fit. The Good Foot Store Orthotics are a better choice for people who have mild to moderate foot pain and are looking for a less expensive orthotic.
Which brand is right for you depends on your individual needs and budget. If you are unsure which brand is right for you, talk to your podiatrist or other healthcare professional.
Additional Benefits of Advanced Digital Orthotics
In addition to the benefits listed above, Advanced Digital Orthotics also offer a number of other advantages over The Good Foot Store Orthotics, including:More comfortable: Advanced Digital Orthotics are designed to fit your feet perfectly, which makes them more comfortable to wear than The Good Foot Store Orthotics.More supportive: Advanced Digital Orthotics provide more support for your feet and ankles, which can help to reduce pain and improve balance and stability.More versatile: Advanced Digital Orthotics can be worn in a variety of shoes, including athletic shoes, dress shoes, and sandals. The Good Foot Store Orthotics are typically only designed to be worn in athletic shoes.More sustainable: Advanced Digital Orthotics are made from high-quality materials that are built to last.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Best Method for Making Orthotics

Best Method for Making Orthotics

Best Method

The best method is to use advanced 3D Kinematic Imaging (3DO) 
to capture the foot using a 3D imager that will analyze both STATIC (non-movement) and DYNAMIC (movement) data.   The reason is quite simple.   The foot and limb work differently in non movement (static) states then it does in movement (dynamic) states.    In Dynamic States, Mass displacement, balance, linear and sheer pressures, Gait analysis, mass displacement contributes significantly to disease states and should be analyzed.  This can only be done using high technology 3D imaging sensors which provides objective data about a patients biomechanical problems.   

More Data = Better Results = Better Care
  1. Mass Displacement Analysis
  2. Body Balance
  3. Linear Pressure Analysis
  4. Sheer Pressure Analysis 
  5. Motion Analysis
  6. Gait Analysis
  7. 3D Plantar Geometry 
  8. Neutral Joint Positioning computed by Digital Imager Live Software 

Older Methods 

Plaster Neutral Joint Casting

For 90 years Orthotics have been made by casting patients using plaster sheets where rearfoot and midfoot joints are aligned by a foot specialist physician.   The casts are applied and then allowed to dry and then are removed.  Many times a range of or motion exam and or x rays are used to determine where the physician believes the joints are in proper alignment and then tried to capture that correction from the positive cast.   

  1. Improper cast impression technique (common errors)
  2. Cast distortion by removal, shipping or inadequate drying
  3. Damage to cast at Laboratory through pouring liquid plaster for positive mold 
  4. Improper balancing of rearfoot and forefoot 
  5. Improper thermo-pressing (suctioning)

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Treatment for Sore Arches


Sore arches is a common condition that can cause pain, swelling, and inflammation in the arch of the foot. The arches are the curved structures that make up the bottom of the foot. They help to support the body's weight and absorb shock. Sore arches can be caused by a number of factors, including: Overuse: 

  • Too much standing, walking, or running can put strain on the arches and lead to pain.
  • Flat feet or high arches: People with flat feet or high arches are more likely to develop sore arches.
  • Obesity: Excess weight can put extra stress on the arches.
  • Injuries: Injuries to the foot or ankle can also cause sore arches.
  • Certain medical conditions: Some medical conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes, and gout, can also cause sore arches.
Treatment for sore arches

Treatment for sore arches will depend on the underlying cause and the severity of the pain. In most cases, home treatments and lifestyle changes can help to relieve the pain and inflammation. These treatments include:

  • Rest: Avoiding activities that aggravate the pain is important. This may mean resting the foot completely or reducing the amount of time spent standing, walking, or running.
  • Ice: Applying ice to the arch of the foot for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day, can help to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Compression: Wearing a compression bandage or sleeve around the foot can help to reduce swelling and provide support.
  • Elevation: Elevating the foot above the level of the heart when resting can help to reduce swelling.
  • Over-the-counter pain relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, can help to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Medical Grade Foot Orthotics using 3D load imaging or cell phone

If home treatments are not effective, or if the pain is severe, a podiatrist may recommend additional treatments, such as: 

  • Orthotics: Orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts that can help to support the arches and reduce pain.   These devices treat the mechanical cause of the pain by allowing the foot to transmit load more effectively.  
  • Physical therapy: Physical therapy can help to strengthen the muscles in the foot and ankle, which can help to support the arches and reduce pain.
  • Night splints: Night splints are devices that are worn at night to help stretch the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot.
  • Braces or casts: In some cases, a doctor may recommend wearing a brace or cast to immobilize the foot and ankle. This can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Cortisone injections: Cortisone injections are a type of steroid that can be injected into the arch of the foot to reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Surgery: In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to repair the plantar fascia or other structures in the foot.
Preventing sore arches

There are a number of things that can be done to help prevent sore arches, including:Wearing supportive shoes: Shoes with good arch support can help to prevent the arches from collapsing and reduce the risk of pain.
Maintaining a healthy weight: Excess weight can put extra stress on the arches, so maintaining a healthy weight can help to reduce the risk of sore arches.
Avoiding overuse: Overuse of the feet can lead to pain and inflammation, so it is important to avoid standing, walking, or running for too long periods of time.
Stretching the muscles in the feet and ankles: Stretching the muscles in the feet and ankles can help to keep them strong and flexible, which can help to reduce the risk of sore arches.

The Ultimate Solution - Custom Medical Grade Foot Orthotics

Custom Bioengineered orthotics made from 3D computer imaging or cell phone 


Sore arches is a common condition that can cause pain, swelling, and inflammation in the arch of the foot. In most cases, home treatments and lifestyle changes can help to relieve the pain and inflammation. However, if home treatments are not effective, or if the pain is severe, a doctor or podiatrist may recommend additional treatments, such as orthotics, physical therapy, night splints, braces or casts, cortisone injections, or surgery.

Plantar Fascia (Arch Pain) can be avoided by using medical grade custom Orthotics, good footwear and walking on Variable Terrain.

  • The human foot is designed by our creator to walk, stand, run, stand on variable surfaces.
    • Man-made surfaces (tile. asphalt, concrete) are flat and hard and create high reactive forces (trauma) to the joints of the foot and the plantar fascia structures creating pain when standing or walking.
  • Using shoes that improve shock loading of the foot against the floor, (spira shoes) will reduce load trauma.   
  • Adding a medical grade custom foot orthotics to your Spira footwear will greatly improve foot function and remove pain and restore normal function of the foot when standing and walking.    

Dr Craig Lowe recommends that you treat the cause of foot pain with a mechanical solution since it is a mechanical problem.   Start treating the cause and watch the pain go away.    

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Foot neuroma treatment

Conservative treatments

Changing footwear: 

  • Avoid wearing high heels or narrow, tight shoes. Choose shoes with a wide toe box and extra depth.

Using orthotics: 

  • Orthotics are shoe inserts that can help to redistribute pressure and support the foot.

Taking over-the-counter pain relievers: 

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, can help to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Icing the affected area: Apply ice for 20 minutes at a time, several times a day.
  • Resting the foot: Avoid activities that aggravate the pain, such as running or jumping.


If conservative treatments are not effective, your doctor may recommend corticosteroid injections. Corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory medications that can help to reduce swelling and pain.


Surgery is usually a last resort, but it may be recommended if other treatments have failed to provide relief. The most common surgical procedure for Morton's neuroma is a neurectomy, which is the removal of the affected nerve.


The recovery time from Morton's neuroma depends on the type of treatment you receive. If you have conservative treatments, you may start to feel relief within a few weeks. If you have surgery, it may take several months to fully recover.

Here are some additional tips for managing Morton's neuroma:

  • Maintain a healthy weight. Excess weight puts more pressure on your feet.
  • Stretch your feet regularly. This can help to improve flexibility and reduce tightness.
  • Massage your feet. This can help to relieve tension and improve circulation.
  • Avoid activities that aggravate the pain. If you experience pain, stop the activity and rest your foot.

If you have any concerns about Morton's neuroma, be sure to talk to your doctor.

Dr Lowe recommends you seriously consider custom orthotics. You can get access to a custom orthotic using your cell phone.

Orthotic Selfie

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